My Teaching Philosophy

What is your Teaching philosophy

I believe in the importance of education as a tool for social progress to create a just society and for that to happen everyone in society needs to be included to the utmost of their ability. As a result, I believe in the importance of universal design and differentiated instruction not only for the students with educational plans but for all students to thrive. I also have to mention the importance to recognize the diversity within the classroom and be able to represent that within my teaching and acknowledge the various life experiences of my students. This includes the perspectives of the increasing population of newcomers to Canada as well as Indigenous students whose families have lived on this land since time immemorial. As a result of this I believe in student centered classrooms where the content is driven in relation to the curriculum in conjunction with the interests and desires of the students. Student work and dialogue will be interpreted in order to assist and further grow their learning. Taking all of these aspects into consideration will create a more engaged and genuine educational environment that will contribute to more equitable world.