Reflection on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action

The Truth and Reconciliation Commissions 94 Calls to Action is an important document that will shape national policies and actions forever. While the government’s action on each particular call to action ranges from massive to negligible, it is a document that is a testament to the strength and political will of Indigenous peoples within this country. It would not exist without their integral work. The Calls to Action are intended to shape federal and provincial policies which will impact Canadian society on macro and micro levels. Therefore, on an individual level, I will not be acting according to the actions directly. My decisions are not inconsequential though as I still hold the ability to be an ally in the process of reconciliation. Therefore, it is crucial that I acknowledge my own individual role as a settler on stolen land. Most importantly, I need to be able to communicate the realities of neo-colonialism to my students in a genuine way with the respective support of Indigenous pedagogies, knowledge and experiences. 

TRC 94 Calls to Action